Fonts for Windows and Mac

Bitner font

Bitner family (The Northern Block foundry) contains 16 fonts.

Bitner is a contemporary styled sans serif font that takes the name from the process of collecting bitcoins ‘bitcoin mining’. The simple, spur-less letterforms with no adornment are a direct influence from the crypto-currency technology and help to...

Categories: legible, modern

Bitner Ultra Light

Bitner Ultra Light sample
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Bitner Ultra Light Italic

Bitner Ultra Light Italic sample
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Bitner Light

Bitner Light sample
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Bitner Light Italic

Bitner Light Italic sample
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Bitner Bitner

Bitner Bitner sample
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Bitner Italic

Bitner Italic sample
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Bitner Medium

Bitner Medium sample
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Bitner Medium Italic

Bitner Medium Italic sample
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Bitner Semi Bold

Bitner Semi Bold sample
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Bitner Semi Bold Italic

Bitner Semi Bold Italic sample
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Bitner Bold

Bitner Bold sample
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Bitner Bold Italic

Bitner Bold Italic sample
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Bitner Extra Bold

Bitner Extra Bold sample
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Bitner Extra Bold Italic

Bitner Extra Bold Italic sample
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Bitner Heavy

Bitner Heavy sample
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Bitner Heavy Italic

Bitner Heavy Italic sample
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